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Kenneth Vogt Kenneth Vogt

Why Wants Come Before Needs

When was the last time you made a shopping list that looked like this: something that tastes like cardboard so I know it has lots of healthy fiber; a gadget that locks out my TV after 60 minutes so I can get things done; a chair that gives me increasingly hard pokes in the tush until I go to the gym. Nobody has a shopping list like that. Why not? Because people buy what they want, not what they need. Often what they need is the exact opposite of what they want.

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Kenneth Vogt Kenneth Vogt

Stop Wishing for a Marketer’s Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. Relax, that is the end of the history lesson. Many of us figure that whatever group we are in, there are rights for us and we are naturally owed them. Marketers are one such group. Yet every day many among our own ranks feel that they can do and say anything they want for their own commercial benefit. I am not talking about lying or fraud or deceit. Even the most callous business people get that such things are unacceptable (and in some cases even illegal).

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Kenneth Vogt Kenneth Vogt

When Did Free Stop Being Free?

If you didn’t know better, you would think the whole world has caught the generosity bug. I have great hopes for this being a reality one day but it’s not here just yet. So what is going on with all this free stuff? Why do we keep going for it and why do we keep offering it ourselves? We go for free because it is a value proposition within a transaction. Maybe you are among those who are collecting all the freebies you can, even stuff you can’t use or don’t even like. But dang it, it’s free!

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